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Classroom Management

Dotted Background

"Supporting and developing orderly and productive classroom environments is the foundation of good classroom management."

- Dr. Carolyn Evertson

Vanderbilt University

Dotted Background


I will use ROOMS as a classroom management to track student behavior. I believe students should be continuously reminded of their good work and effort through the use of responses, rewards, and reinforcements. ROOMS points are given out for wanted behavior to reinforce and reward the positive behavior seen throughout individual students or the whole class. Students can earn points for many different actions such as; quiet transitions, hard work, on task, respectful interactions, and more. Once students reach a set amount of points (which will adjust throughout the year) they may "cash" those points out. Rewards will be determined as a class.

Daniels Bucks

Right along with ROOMS I will have classroom money that students will have as a classroom management skill. Students will be able to earn money for their classroom jobs weekly, for up-keep of materials weekly, homework, and more. At the end of each week students will have an opportunity to spend their classroom money and shop at our classroom store (treasure box) where there are prizes such as stickers, pencils, candy, spinners, and so much more. 


The purpose behind using Daniels Bucks:

         - Manage and reward student behavior

         - Create real life experiences 

         - Challenges students in their 21st century skills

         - Teaches life skills and incorporates learning about money


Classroom Jobs

As a class we will create a list of jobs that students are interested in applying for. These classroom jobs will require students to have accountability and collaboration with their classmates to keep our classroom safe, clean, and efficient. On the first week of school students will be able to apply to different job positions. I will host "interviews" for each position and "hire" students for their job. Different classroom jobs include custodian, plant caretaker, walkie talkie manager, disinfectant crew, light crew, greeter, playground equipment manager, bathroom monitor, pencil manager, etc. 

Reinforce Classroom Expectations

Step 1: 

  • Student will receive a re-direction from the unwanted/negative behavior. 

Step 2: 

  • Student will receive a warning about their behavior and be reminded of the expectations of the classroom.

Step 3:

  • Student will be given time to reflect on the behavior in a designated area around the classroom using a reflection sheet. 

Step 4:

  • Student will fill out a Reflection sheet about the behavior that was happening. Parent will be contacted at this        moment. The reflection sheet should be sent home, signed, and returned to school the following day.

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